Questions about Organizational Management I have attached the following questions i need answered by tomorrow . It’s from chapters 5-8 of the book “Managem

Questions about Organizational Management I have attached the following questions i need answered by tomorrow . It’s from chapters 5-8 of the book “Management a practical introduction “. I need this done by tomorrow morning please . Please review the assignment .Thank you ญ ข
ul MetroPCS LTE
10:30 AM
environments. Provide a
brief reasoning for each
t 2
For this discussion will be
looking at concepts
brought up in chapters 5 –
8 as it relates to
Management. For this
discussion you will have
two due dates: the first for
posting your initial
response to the discussion
questions, and the second
for responding to the
discussion postings of
Due Dates:
Initial Response to
Discussion Questions:
refer to syllabus
Response to Others: refer
to syllabus
Response Criteria: For
this discussion, you will
need to respond to a
ul MetroPCS LTE
0 1 2
10:30 AM
As you have seen from
Chapters 5 through 8,
Management covers a
broad spectrum of
knowledge and functions.
Basic planning, strategic
planning, decision making,
and organizational
structure/culture are all
factors of management,
there is more than the text
covers. In his book “The
Speed of Trust”, Stephen
Covey discusses how
Trust is important at every
level in order for the
organization to operate
effectively and efficiently.
As a manager, if your
employees do not have
trust in you, you will not be
able to inspire or motivate
them. Without trust, you
may find your employees
are “retired on the job”,
meaning they show up to
work to complete the
minimum amount of work
they can, they watch the
clock and then they go
home. When it comes to
planning, without trust
from your co-Managers,
you will have issues with
others wanting to work
with you or push forward
and support your ideas.
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ul MetroPCS LTE
10:31 AM
For this discussion,
answer the following
1. In politics, everyday we
hear of an us against them
argument where elected
officials are voting only
with what their party wants
instead of reaching across
the table to working on
compromise. How can a
elected official gain trust in
those that voted for them?
2. Stephen Covey uses an
example of “A fish is the
last to notice water first,
until it becomes
populated”. This old
French proverb relates to
as managers we often
don’t notice what is going
on around us, until a major
problem arises that forces
us to take notice. What
are some things managers
can do to ensure they
know what is going on in
their daily work
environment to identify
and avoid major problems
3. With strategic planning,
why is it just as important
to understand what is
occuring in the external
environment as it is the
internal one?
oul MetroPCS LTE
10:31 AM
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hear of an us against them
argument where elected
officials are voting only
with what their party wants
instead of reaching across
the table to working on
compromise. How can a
elected official gain trust in
those that voted for them?
2. Stephen Covey uses an
example of “A fish is the
last to notice water first,
until it becomes
populated”. This old
French proverb relates to
as managers we often
don’t notice what is going
on around us, until a major
problem arises that forces
us to take notice. What
are some things managers
can do to ensure they
know what is going on in
their daily work
environment to identify
and avoid major problems
3. With strategic planning,
why is it just as important
to understand what is
occuring in the external
environment as it is the
internal one?
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