Rasmussen College John Stuart vs John Rawls Written Assignment Who Should Govern? John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher and is considered as one of

Rasmussen College John Stuart vs John Rawls Written Assignment Who Should Govern?

John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher and is considered as one of the leading voice when it came to liberal views. He had a firm belief in the concept of liberty; he emphasized the freedom of the individual and strongly asserted that it was devoid of state and social control. Additionally, he was a proponent of utilitarianism (S.E.P, 2016). John Rawls was an American Philosopher renowned for his works in moral and political philosophy (S.E.P, 2008). He was a strong proponent of egalitarian liberalism and is still considered as a strong voice that guided the democratic views and tenets that the country believes in.One of his famous works titled ‘A Theory of Justice’ defended the views of egalitarian liberalism. His beliefs also termed as ‘Rawlsianism’ argue that the principles of justice are the ones that are accepted by all and seen as impartial (Kordana and Tabachnick, 2006). I firmly believe in the concepts perpetuated by both philosophers; John Rawls views on justice being a product of an accepted and at the same impartial principles.

Annotated Bibliography

Heydt, C (n.d). John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved August 22, 2017, from http://www.iep.utm.edu/milljs/

The article is by the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy a peer reviewed site that looks into many philosophers and for this particular case takes a deeper analysis of John Mill’s life and work. The author introduces some of John Mill’s works such as ‘System of Logic’ and ‘The Subjection of Women,’ the latter having won him much acclaim as a champion of Women’s Suffrage when he served as a member of Parliament. The article gives a much deeper analysis of the philosopher and also gives summarized versions of nearly all of his works. It will be particularly beneficial to me as a research material due to its broad analysis of the philosopher.

Kordana, K, and Tabachnick, D (2006). “On Belling the Cat: Rawls and Corrective Justice.” Virginia Law Review. 92: 1279.

The article critics some of John Rawls’ work and the concepts when it comes to corrective justice, it analyses it on the pretext of outcome oriented concepts of tort law. The authors give a wide analysis and compare the works alongside other philosophers and other scholars such Stephen Perry and Arthur Ripstein among others.It is an invaluable study that gives a much deeper look into some of Rawls’ work and will be a good source of comparative material.

Lee, E (2000). John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty. The Victorian Web. Retrieved August 22, 2017, from http://www.victorianweb.org/philosophy/mill/libert…

The article looks into some of the works of the John Mill’s and cites some of his concepts borrowing from his works. The author also provides a few excerpts from some of Mill’s texts to give the reader a direct look into the works of the philosopher. The analysis that the author uses, coupled with the excerpts and verbatim quotes makes it an invaluable research material that is summarized but still contains the important points.

S.E.P (2008). John Rawls. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved August 22, 2017, from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rawls/

The article assesses John Rawls’ early life and focuses deeper and widely on his works. It gives an unparalleled analysis of some of the theories that were perpetuated by Rawls such as the sequence theory, ideal and non-ideal theory, and independence, moral and political theories among others. It is an important source material that gives a much wider reference for most of the philosopher’s works, making it an important research material that I can use when studying his works.

S.E.P (2016). John Stuart Mill. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved August 22, 2017, from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mill/#SciMet

The analysis by Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy assesses the philosopher from his early life and through to his works. The article looks deeper into most if not all of Rawls’ works under the umbrella of the philosophy of language and logic, the foundations of reasoning in a theoretical manner and much more. It will be an important source when researching the author because of the great detail of analysis that it offers.



John Rawls views regarding “Who should Govern”
Important points as to who should govern and why.
John Stuart Mill views regarding “Who should Govern”
Important points as to who should govern and why.
Two philosopher’s views.
Which view would best fit our society today?
Restate thesis.

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