Rasmussen College Nutritional Principles in Nursing Written Assignment Nutritional Principles in Nursing Identify the nine amino acids used to build body

Rasmussen College Nutritional Principles in Nursing Written Assignment Nutritional Principles in Nursing

Identify the nine amino acids used to build body proteins cannot be synthesized by the body and must be supplied in food. (4 points)
Which body organ is responsible for the metabolic processing of glucose? (1 point)

Part 2

What is the difference between enteral and parenteral nutrition? (2 points)
What metrics are required to calculate a child’s Body Mass Index? (1 point)
Calculate the following BMI: (2 points)
Female 32 years old 63 inches tall 75kg
Male 64 years old 5 feet 10 inches 225 lbs

Part 3

Match the deficiency with the symptoms: (3 points)

Iron Deficiency AnemiaMental Confusion

Vitamin B12 Deficiency AnemiaFatigue

Folic Acid DeficiencyGlossitis

What is a DASH diet? Identify what DASH stands for and the components of the diet.(1 point)
A client with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) should have what type of diet? (1 point)

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