Real Appeal this is real appeal . the course name is : CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION . the appeal is to change my grade from C+ to B or B+ .the grading policy

Real Appeal this is real appeal . the course name is : CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION . the appeal is to change my grade from C+ to B or B+ .the grading policy :1- 90% of the class based on participation 2- 10% of the class based on digestion of thr course content my proplem is about participation i got 80 but i think i should get 85 or more in participation . because if i got 85 or more in participation i will have (B) IN THE COURSE i want write about participation . I was coming in the class and active you know write good reason please dont write difficult word im international student (( IF YOU WRITE HARD OR DIFFICULT WORD I WILL NOT ACCEP IT

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