Recruiting and Retention Group Project This is a group projectI need to add 3 more paragraphs to the ASSESSMENTS portion of the paper (the very last sectio

Recruiting and Retention Group Project This is a group projectI need to add 3 more paragraphs to the ASSESSMENTS portion of the paper (the very last section)PLEASE BASE THE ASSESSMENT INFO FROM THE REST OF THE INFORMATION FOUND IN THE PAPER….that means read through the paper before writing and formulating your Assessment infoNO PL To Do List :

Address ratio of employees…. Under recruiting – refer to the Four -Fifths Rule (Page 70)
○ Is this related to ratio of hiring minorities:majority? < Affirmative Action? ○ Applicant vs Hired ratio Art: Include plan and formula to hire more ethnically diverse workforce over next 5 years Interview process, Add to the interview process, review links in section Renee: Assessment New hires- source needed add formula Purchase answer to see full attachment

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