Week 8 Computer Fraud and abuse Essay Refer to the Dept of Justice, Prosecuting Computer Crimes. Chapter One Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. http://www.justi

Week 8 Computer Fraud and abuse Essay Refer to the Dept of Justice, Prosecuting Computer Crimes. Chapter One Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. http://www.justice.gov/criminal/cybercrime/docs/ccmanual.pdfThe CIO at Best Network Solutions Inc., wants to retaliate against a rival company that he knows is spamming the company’s network email server. However, the legal department explained to him that doing so would violate laws under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The CIO did not understand all the legal talk and he wants you his Chief Information Security Manager to provide him with information on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the statutes attached to the Act. Pay particular attention to those statutes, which pertain to computer mis-use. You may either create a 10 – 12 slide PowerPoint or a 2-3 page paper.

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