Reimbursement Impact on Healthcare Departments A. Describe the impact of the departments at this healthcare organization that utilize reimbursement data. W

Reimbursement Impact on Healthcare Departments A. Describe the impact of the departments at this healthcare organization that utilize reimbursement data. What type of audit would be necessary
to determine whether the reimbursement impact is reached fully by these departments? How could the impact of these departments on pay-for-performance incentives be measured?
B. Assess the activities within each department at this healthcare organization for how they may impact reimbursement. C. Identify the responsible department for ensuring compliance with billing and coding policies. How does this affect the department’s impact on
reimbursement at this healthcare organization?
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources, which should be cited in APA format.

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