REL113 University of Phoenix History of Buddhism and Life of Buddha Paper By choosing a particular school of Buddhism to explore more fully, you will learn

REL113 University of Phoenix History of Buddhism and Life of Buddha Paper By choosing a particular school of Buddhism to explore more fully, you will learn about the diversity within the tradition and how it is practiced today.

Part 2

Choose one of the following schools of Buddhism:

Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism
Zen Buddhism–as a special school of Mahayana Buddhism

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following:

Summarize the history of Buddhism and the life of Buddha.
Explain the basic teachings and moral aspects of Buddhism.
Explain what makes the school of Buddhism you selected unique.

Format citations and references consistent with course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

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