Russian revolution Discussion Questions Tips Read the three documents uploaded in the pdf file called “Forced Collectivization” (readings attached) Joseph

Russian revolution Discussion Questions Tips

Read the three documents uploaded in the pdf file called “Forced Collectivization” (readings attached)
Joseph Stalin: The Hard Line
Joseph Stalin: Liquidation of the Kulaks
Lev Kopelev: Terror in the Countryside
Answer the following questions completely, thoughtfully, and to the best of your ability. Ignore the questions in the documents themselves. They are from a textbook.
All answers need to be in the form of complete sentences in formal written English.
Please proofread your writing.
half page for each question


How is the Bolshevik government attempting to change the peasantry? Why? Provide quotations from the texts and explain what those quotations mean.
How is violence against the “kulaks” justified by each of the authors? Provide quotations from the texts and explain what those quotations mean.
How is the concept of “sacrifice” explained and justified in these documents? Provide quotations from the texts and explain what those quotations mean. Purchase answer to see full

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