Scales Instruments and Assessments Discussion Please read the questions inside of the attached document and provide a brief detailed answer to include refe

Scales Instruments and Assessments Discussion Please read the questions inside of the attached document and provide a brief detailed answer to include references. Scales, Instruments, and Assessments
Professor: Students, does anyone ever use the scales above to work on a differential diagnosis
for a patient, which would explain, rule in or rule out in any assessment, narrative for a
psychological battery, or reason for referral after one has seen the psychologist, why you are
seeing the depressive and generalized anxiety disorders, or even outpatient settings, where a
patient may be presented with scales to assess what level of severity the patient may be
My response:
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1
Professor: Folks, what would be some great ideas or mechanisms in helping you understand and
appropriately apply agency-specific policies and procedures for handling crises or dangerous
situations, including safety measures for clients and staff? For example, is there current training
be done to assist?
My response:
Counseling Techniques~
Professor: When we approach the topic of evidenced based counseling techniques for depressive
or mood disorders, you want to think about here and now, cognitive behavioral therapy based
interventions vs. insight oriented and experimental type approaches. Thoughts?
My response:
Re: Topic 4 DQ 2
Folks, in order to determine what types of techniques to apply in session, how would you
recognize the potential for substance use disorders to mimic a variety of medical and
psychological disorders? What would be some examples?
My response:
Pharmceutical Resources
Professor: Students, does anyone consider herself or himself familiar with medical and
pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of bipolar and mood disorders. If so, what would be
some relevant examples and for what disorders as it applies to this DQ and the stabilization of
symptoms associated with those diagnoses?
My response:

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