Sebastiano Ricci, Hercules Killing the Centaur Nessus 1. In your introductory paragraph, discuss how mythology and art (e.g., painting, sculpture, etc.) ar

Sebastiano Ricci, Hercules Killing the Centaur Nessus 1. In your introductory paragraph, discuss how mythology and art (e.g., painting, sculpture, etc.) are related.

2. Summarize the myth.

3. Describe the work of art. What do you see?

4. Explain (interpret) how the artist captured the story of your myth, e.g., important details, colors, changes to the myth.

5. What is the effect of the work of art on your understanding of the myth?

i attached you the painting and the paragraph that goes with the painting.

please answer every question in the essay

Students will visit the MFAH and view paintings

and sculpture associated with mythology (see attached list). They will

choose a single work, read the myth depicted therein, and discuss how

the artist captures the story and theme of the myth in his/her work. (2-3


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