Strategic Managment The Car of The future The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to think about how strategic management aff

Strategic Managment The Car of The future The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to think about how strategic management affect decision making within organization. After you complete this assignment, you will be able to analyze a video content, write a brief reflection, be able to think forward by providing recommendation on a future product, and make decision that will be value-added to the organization, and practice your writing skills.


Watch this video then answer the questions below. If the video does not play, log-in to MDC Library before replaying the video. If the video does not play by clicking on the link below. Go to the , click on “More databases”, select “Films on Demand” and type the name of the video “Supercar: Building the Car of the Future”

The Car of The Future

Duration: (44:20)
User: n/a – Added: 4/27/16

Video URL:


In your opinion, how will the “car of the future” shape the automobile industry?
As a strategist, what would you recommend to industry’s leaders in order to sustain in an impending changing environment?

You should submit:

A word document with your responses, OR type your answers directly into the assignment submission text box.
Make reference to material covered (textbook, websites, etc.)
Each response should be between 1 to 2 paragraphs.
Format your paper according to APA.

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