Sustainable and Environmentally Conscious Companies This is a discussion question, therefore, no references are needed. Please attach article to the answer

Sustainable and Environmentally Conscious Companies This is a discussion question, therefore, no references are needed. Please attach article to the answer and please…NO PLAGIARISM!Please respond to the following:

The welcome message for this week says the following: “Being a sustainable and environmentally conscious company is not only good for the planet, it is also a great way for companies to be more efficient, save money, and get an edge on the competition.”

Do you believe this statement? Do you believe some of it? Do you think it’s all wrong? Why do you think as you do about this subject, and have you studied alternative views?

Provide a link to an article that supports your views and provide a link to an article that opposes your view. Explain which article offers the best information and why.

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