The Black Atlantic Slave Trade to the Americas Describe the black Atlantic slave trade to the Americas (demography over time, geography, trade organization

The Black Atlantic Slave Trade to the Americas Describe the black Atlantic slave trade to the Americas (demography over time, geography, trade organization; trading negotiations, trading items, major participants; types of capture; experiences of captives; Middle Passage; impact on Americas; impact on Africa; and impact on Europe).

Please if its possible use these books as references :

1. Brenda Stevenson,What Is Slavery?
2. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Slavery and African Ethnicities in the Americas: Restoring the Links
3. Black British Former Slaves: Olaudah Equiano, Mary Prince, Ottobah Cugoano. These narratives are found at:

4. William Still, Underground Railroad
5. Jessica Millward, Finding Charity’s Folk: Enslaved and Free Black Women in Maryland

6. Marne Campbell, Making Black Los Angeles: Class, Gender and Community, 1850- 1917

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