The Falling Man Analysis I will include the assignment sheet in a file it will be very explicit. For this essay you will need to be familiar with the novel

The Falling Man Analysis I will include the assignment sheet in a file it will be very explicit. For this essay you will need to be familiar with the novel “Falling Man” By Don DeLillo. You will need to choice one of the short passages within the novel no longer than 25 lines. The format of the essay will be included in the assignment sheet I will include below. If you need any further information please let me know! During the first weeks of class, we started analyzing the notion of body through closereading of images, text-images and texts, among which DeLillo’s novel “Falling Man”.
For this first essay, you will choose a passage from “Falling Man” (between 15 and 25 lines)
that you want to analyze and produce an essay from your own close-reading of it.
The essay will be a strict analysis of the piece you will have chosen so you will only need to
focus on the frame of your passage (as opposed to drawing links with other passages from the
Your close-reading essay needs to be structured as a regular essay (introduction-body
paragraphs, conclusion), 3 pages is the minimum requirement, police size 12, double-spaced,
regular margins.
You will be graded according the following criteria:
Relevance of your thesis statement in relationship to the passage: 50pts
Relevance of your arguments in relationship to your thesis: 80pts
Use of close-reading (textual evidence and your interpretation of it): 100pts
Coherence of your essay as a whole: 20pts

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