The Theory of Victim Precipitation Please view the pictures for instructions For the attachment of a paper I’ve already written I just need you to add a re

The Theory of Victim Precipitation Please view the pictures for instructions For the attachment of a paper I’ve already written I just need you to add a recent article related to the topic of the paper and reference it a few times throughout and add to a reference page You should upload three separate word documents once complete. NO Running Head: VICTIM PRECIPITATION
Victim Precipitation
Jenise Peoples
Intro to Criminology
January 4, 2019
The theory of Victim Precipitation involves explanations which clarify how the behavior
of an individual can lead to the person’s own victimization. A victim’s behavior that leads a
victimizer to behave in a certain way subsequently is victim precipitation. The theory faces lots
of controversies when revised etiologically. The theory was first put into terms by Wolfgang to
show cases where the victim was the one who had triggered the actions that led to him being
harmed. The theory was proven to have existed not only in Wolfgang’s research but also in other
cases, for example, the Mendelssohn Typology spirits, where one provokes a person to commit a
crime. These attempts of the early ages are obviously instrumental to the negative stigmatization
attacking the theory of precipitation of victims today, whereby, when someone tries to connect
the victim to the crime and his participation in it is met with controversies. This is usually done
by advocates who claim that the theory excuses the offender and the victim status is undermining
The truth is that Victim precipitation is a real thing and it is happening to date and it
must, therefore, be acknowledged. However, as controversies may claim that this is victim
blaming, it is not. Other cases of victim precipitation today are, for example when a woman
murders her husband due to her husband prolonged violence, or cases such as when a pupil is
constantly bullied by a fellow student in school and ends up harming the bully, or a man tries to
rape a woman and the woman ends up overpowering the man and the man ends up hurt, or it may
be caused by an employee who has been humiliated constantly by a fellow employee causing the
humiliated employee to lash out. As a result of this, you would not be able to understand a crime
fully unless you understand the full story told by both the victim and offender.
In conclusion, it can be said that the danger of connecting victim blaming and victim
precipitation depends on the understanding of the role of the victim and the offender in a crime.
The study of perception helps the law to understand the risks related to both the initial
victimization and the possibility of re-victimization. According to research, victim precipitation
occurs in some kind of frequency which is proof enough that studies on the theory should be
done continuously. The critic’s argument of victim blaming however should stop since according
to research, victim precipitation is useful in the understanding of a crime.
Brigham, E. F., & Daves, P. R. (2016). Intermediate financial management. Boston: Cengage
Jeppsson, H. (2018) journal of corporate finance; initial public offerings subscription precommitments and venture capital participation.
Sushko, V. Turner, G. (2018) The implications of passive investing for securities markets 19
pages , BIS quarterly review .
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Introduction to Criminology- Week 8 Assignment
Types of Political Crime
In a well-constructed one page essay (500+ words), discuss the different types of political crimes of
treason, espionage, and terrorism, and how the US fights these political crimes.
(NOTE: A “well-constructed” essay will be in complete sentences and paragraphs. It will be
structured to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. While APA references and citations are
not required for this course, they are strongly suggested since they will be required in future
courses. Also, you must at least attempt to provide citation and reference information for any
specific information that you use that is not your own thoughts in order to avoid plagiarism).
A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here.
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< B. l Sprint 6:59 AM ☺ 95% Introduction to Criminology, Week 7 Assignment Economic and Public Order Crime In a well-constructed, one page essay (500+ words), compare (explain the similarities) and contrast (explain the differences) of the economic crimes (white-collar, blue-collar, and green-collar crimes). (NOTE: A "well-constructed" essay will be in complete sentences and paragraphs. It will be structured to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. While APA references and citations are not required for this course, these concepts are strongly encouraged since APA formatting will be required in future courses. However, an attempt must be made to provide citations and reference for information that is not your original thought in order to avoid plagiarism). A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here. Download an example View_your assignment rubric GRANTHAM COPYRIGHT 2018 UNIVERSITY < B. Purchase answer to see full attachment

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