University of Phoenix Nursing Organizational Structure Paper Obtain a nursing organizational chart for your agency, department, or service area. Write a 1,

University of Phoenix Nursing Organizational Structure Paper Obtain a nursing organizational chart for your agency, department, or service area.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:

The type of organizational structure
How the structure creates an environment of support for client-centered care
The use of information systems, communication methods, and  decision-making models consistent with the culture and organizational  structure of the agency
The various lines of communication and reporting

Identify the formal and informal reporting lines
Look at issues of power and control, as well as whom the real leaders in this organization are
Identify how the social and cultural influences of your community are integrated into the delivery of care in your organization

How generational differences influence the organizational culture of the workplace

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Use Attached Rubric for specific expectations
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