WCM610 SNHU Control Phase of DMAIC & Garden Depot Case Study First, read Chapter 9 in The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Additionally, review the C

WCM610 SNHU Control Phase of DMAIC & Garden Depot Case Study First, read Chapter 9 in The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Additionally, review the CONTROL Supplementary Document. In your initial post, address the following:How has your identification of unwanted consequences from your Improve phase informed your understanding of what you need to control?In what way might you need to dig more deeply into implementing specific Control elements for particular unwanted consequences?What are your thoughts on how the other phases of DMAIC help you understand what specific unwanted consequences you may need to control?How will you apply your understanding of Control to your organization’s specific conflict or to the Garden Depot case study? (Use Garden Depot case study)

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