week 3 Internet security essay As the IoT (Internet of Things) grows, and users access corporate data with personal devices, companies are stuck balancing

week 3 Internet security essay As the IoT (Internet of Things) grows, and users access corporate data with personal devices, companies are stuck balancing the ethical line between security with privacy.  In regards to MDM systems and BYOD policies, answer the following questions:

Is it OK to read employees’ e-mail as a security measure to ensure that sensitive company information isn’t being disclosed? 
Should you have access to those emails and files on a personal device that is accessing the company data via a 3rd party app (i.e. Outlook Mobile, or iOS default mail program)? 
If you do read employees’ e-mail, should you disclose that policy to them? Before or after the fact?
Is it OK to read the documents and look at the graphics files that are stored on users’ computers or in their directories on the file server? On their mobile device?

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