West Coast University Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Paper Briefly explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Complete this diagram b

West Coast University Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Paper Briefly explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Complete this diagram

by providing three examples that meet the needs of each category.Identify the characteristics of self – actualizers and identify behaviors that lead to self-actualization.Identify criticisms of Maslow’s theory.Identify strengths of Maslow’s theory.Explain the significance of the following statement: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a pyramid, not a triangle.Identify your favorite quote from Maslow and explain why it appeals to you. Reflect on and identify what motivates you. Provide some examples. Find at least one scholarly source to support your ideas. Use APA format to style your paper and cite and reference your sources. Your paper should be 2—4 pages long, in addition to a title page and a reference page.

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