When you come home Ad Analysis i already post the requirementstotal is four short paragraphs 3. The Ad “When you come home” seems to be directed to husband

When you come home Ad Analysis i already post the requirementstotal is four short paragraphs 3. The Ad “When you come home” seems to be directed to husbands. You
can clearly see the love between him and his wife in the ad. The way he
clasps her hand and embraces her by placing his hand behind her back
demonstrate he wishes to take care of her at all costs. Their eyes appear to
be locked into each other’s gaze and they pay little regard to the children
clamoring for their attention. It is a truly strong portrayal of family love and
how much we should be protecting it. His “dearest possessions” are his wife
and children and losing them would have been devastating.
Modernizing this ad would mean updating the fire extinguisher to a smoke
detector. Very few people have fire extinguishers nowadays and a smoke
detector does a great job of saving lives without having to confront fire face to
face. Their attire and household belongings would also be changed to the
21st century. Font styles and layout would be simplified and reduced. I would
remove the bottom section could be eliminated and the reader could be
referred to a website to find out where they could purchase the smoke
4.The paradox of the American swings back and forth between wanting to be
part of the crowd and following the trends but, at the same time wanting to be
somewhat different from the rest. I believe it is quite evident in fashion. The
runways show the elite fashion while the malls display the populist fashion.
Usually, celebrities will be the ones displaying that type of fashion because
they belong to that elite group. Yet, their message to their fans is that we are
all created equal even though those same fans are not in the limelight and
cannot afford their lifestyle.
Then what truly is the “American dream”? Does it get hyped up too much?
We need to do three part for this time.
First, need to make two comments.
Second, ask a question about their analysis.
Third, answer the question above.

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