Work Breakdown Structure Project Plan Students will develop a standard project plan for a project of their choosing that must be approved by the mentor, or

Work Breakdown Structure Project Plan Students will develop a standard project plan for a project of their choosing that must be approved by the mentor, or for building a house. The project must have all the elements for meeting the requirements of the course assignments which includes a work breakdown structure (WBS) with a minimum of 4 levels, a WBS dictionary, and time and cost estimates for each task in the WBS. Based on this WBS, students will create a network diagram of the project and identify the critical path, create a project schedule and budget correlated to time and cost estimates provided in the (WBS) and create a resource breakdown structure reflecting the requirements identified in the WBS dictionary. Finally, they will identify high level quality control trigger points.Students may propose an alternative project of their own design that shows attainment of the corresponding course outcome. The mentor must approve the alternative project.

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