Yale University Profile Case Study The Case Study Institution Profile that is due this module/week requires that you prepare a 1–2-page profile of the sing

Yale University Profile Case Study The Case Study Institution Profile that is due this module/week requires that you prepare a 1–2-page profile of the single institution that you plan to focus on. Identify an institution that you would like to study. EDUC 664
Content 70%
Discussion of
Assigned Topic
Analysis and
Structure 30%
Grammar, and
Structure, and
APA Format
7 points
Excellent details and examples
are provided. The author
discusses the topic with
sufficient information to provide
readers with preliminary
understanding of the issue to be
developed in the complete paper
later in the course.
7 points
A thoughtful analysis of the
topic is presented, which will
expand in greater detail in the
complete paper later in the
4 points
Practical application of
foundational material for the
topic is provided, which will be
elaborated in the complete paper
later in the course.
4 points
Correct spelling, grammar,
sentence structure, and current
APA format are used throughout
the essay. There are 0–2 errors
that distract the reader from the
Levels of Achievement
Not Present
6 points
1 to 5 points
0 points
The required elements are
The required elements are Not present
discussed in a proficient manner. poorly developed. Most
Some of the information is
of the information is
incomplete or unclear. The
incomplete. The author
author provides some details and does not provide sufficient
details or examples.
6 points
Information provides evidence of
a basic analysis.
1 to 5 points
Analysis is too general.
Reader gains few insights.
0 points
Not present
3 points
Applies most of the information
but leaves some areas
1 to 2 points
Applies little to some of
the information.
Insufficient practical use
for the complete paper
later in the course.
1 to 2 points
There are 6–10 errors in
spelling, grammar,
sentence structure, and/or
current APA format that
distract the reader from
the content.
0 points
Not present
3 points
There are 3–5 errors in spelling,
grammar, sentence structure,
and/or current APA format that
distract the reader from the
Not Present
0 points
There are more than 10
errors in the spelling,
grammar, sentence
structure, and/or
current APA format
EDUC 664
Word Count
3 points
The body of the paper is 1–2
2 points
The body of the paper is half a
page to just under 1 page.
1 point
The body of the paper is
less than half a page.
that distract the reader
from the content.
0 points
Not present
EDUC 664
Higher education faculty and administrators track the financial performance of their individual
institution, the institutions within the same state, throughout the country, and those sharing the
similar characteristics as their own. To that end, the spreadsheet and poster assignments during
Modules/Weeks 6 and 7 provide you with the opportunity to explore financial health. In
preparation for these 2 assignments later on, the Case Study Institution Profile that is due this
module/week requires that you prepare a 1–2-page profile of the single institution that you plan
to focus on. Identify an institution that you would like to study. Which institution did you select,
and what general information can you share (founding year, public/private control, highest
degree offered, and total enrollment, budget information, etc.)?
This assignment must reflect current APA style, which includes, but is not limited to, using 1inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times New Roman font, consecutive page numbers in the
upper right corner of the header, a title page, an abstract, and a reference page.
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.

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