Understanding the Concept of Community 

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Understanding the Concept of Community 

This week, you will submit your Signature Assignment. Your professor has provided feedback on the Annotated Outline you prepared for Week 6 and this should assist you in completing your final paper.

Begin by providing an overview of the social problem with which a social worker may be involved. As part of this overview, explain how elements of human rights and social justice intersect with this social problem. 

Next, discuss the specific population you have chosen for focus on for this assignment. Describe and analyze characteristics of this population such as ethnicity, health concerns, and socioeconomic class.

Explain the implications of this problem on the developmental phase of life (i.e., infancy and early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or late adulthood) that you have previously selected. Your explanation should examine how an intervention, or lack thereof, might affect the individual’s life course trajectory. 

Once you have presented the social problem and the selected population, explain how your studies and experience as a social worker will assist you in advocating for your clients who face this problem. 

Support your assessment of human behavior in social environments by drawing upon at least five scholarly works in the discipline of social work.

Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Professor resource for research

 Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social…

External Learning Tool


 Pray, K. L. M. (1947). When is community organization social work practice? Community organization: Its nature and setting. New York: American Associa




Understanding the Concept of Community 

As your examination of human behavior and the social environment ends this week, it is important to explore the influence of community on an individual’s well-being. Community, by definition, refers to social units and systems that function in an attempt to meet individuals’ needs to survive everyday life. This interrelationship fosters a sense of belonging and assists an individual in creating and sustaining a sense of identity.

So how does community fit into social work?

Pray (1947) noted that at its root, social work’s role is to help individuals successfully and healthily navigate interactions with their social environment (i.e., community). Social workers generally specialize in one of several areas: working with children and families, working with individuals, and working within institutions such as corrections or medical settings. These all involve engaging with individuals in micro, mezzo, or macro settings, casework, group work, and community organization. Regardless of the work setting, the aim is to help individuals overcome issues that are affecting well-being.

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.


Pray, K. L. M. (1947). When is community organization social work practice? Community organization: Its nature and setting. New York: American Association of Social Workers. 


Week 6 – Assignment: Examine Research for your Signature Assignment


his week your task is to prepare an annotated outline for your Signature Assignment. Use the following criteria to organize your outline, which will become the basis of your Signature Assignment.

· The Signature Assignment for this course is to identify a current social problem with which a social worker may be involved. As part of your presentation of the problem, be sure to describe how elements of human rights and social justice intersect with this social problem.

· Select a population that would require social work services related to this problem.

· Select a developmental phase of life (i.e., infancy and early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or late adulthood), and then explain the implications of this problem on an individual’s life course trajectory.

· Along with the developmental theory related to the stage of life you identified above, identify one theory of human behavior and the social environment that is used to support work with this social problem. Find at least two sources to support this claim.

· Examine how you as a social worker would advocate for the affected population regarding this problem.

Support your assessment of human behavior in social environments by drawing upon at least five scholarly works in the discipline of social work.

Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Stages of Development

Your behavior develops and evolves throughout your lifespan. While developmental theorists have identified stages or critical periods of life in which certain milestones are typically achieved, research also has found the social environmental influences human development and behavior. As a social worker, understanding the

complexities of development from both universal and individual perspectives is central to achieving social justice for your clients.

Erik Erikson suggested a psychosocial approach to explain human development. He posited that external forces shape your life development, which occurs in specific periods of life from infancy through old age. A highlight of his theory is that each life stage contains specific tasks to be completed and crises to be managed (Knight, 2017).

Jean Piaget is one of the main theorists behind the models of cognitive growth and development. Like Erikson, Piaget presented a stage theory but focused specifically on child cognitive development. According to Piaget, children construct an understanding of the world around them using the same basic structure, but it is their life experiences that shape their behavior (Siegler, 2016).

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.


Knight, Z. G. (2017). A proposed model of psychodynamic psychotherapy linked to

Erik Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. Clinical Psychology &

                   Psychotherapy 24(5), 1047–1058. doi:10.1002/cpp.2066

Siegler, R. S. (2016). Continuity and change in the field of cognitive development and in the   perspectives of one cognitive developmentalist. Child Development Perspectives,      10(2), 128-133. doi:10.1111/cdep.12173








Social problem and development stages









Alzheimer patients and why they need care

Social care workers play a vital role in helping the vulnerable groups in society lead normal life and overcome their health challenges. They are vital Alzheimer’s patients to cope with their health conditions. The majority of the elderly people above 65 years in the UK suffer from this health condition (Sm-Rahman et al., 2020). This paper will analyze the role of the social care workers in helping the Alzheimer’s patients overcome their challenges and lead a normal life. Moreover, it will also analyze the role of the General Aggression Model (GAM) in shaping the behaviour of Alzheimer patients.

In the UK government, the majority of the elderly in the integrity and despair developmental stage (aged 65 years and above) suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Navarro et al. (2018) state that 1 in every 9 elderly people in the UK suffers from this disease. After the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, the UK government is facing a shortage of social care workers who can deal with Alzheimer’s patients. As Stephan et al. (2018) point out, dealing with Alzheimer’s patients is one of the forgotten roles in the UK since most social care workers have diverted all their attention to helping patients dealing with post-covid-19 symptoms such as stress and depression.

Like all patients, Alzheimer’s patients need constant love, attention, and care. Rasmussen and Langerman (2019) observe that the majority of Alzheimer’s patients cannot fulfill their daily duties without the help of social care workers. This is a disease that affects the brain, especially their memory and their thinking capacity. Moreover, they usually develop short tempers and hence, they can be destructive if they are not attended to. Daniel et al. (2018) note that the role of social care workers is to help these patients regulate their emotions and accomplish their small duties. One of the laws of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is to promote equality in health care (Hall et al., 2019). As an upcoming social care worker, I believe that the government also needs to increase its resources in helping Alzheimer’s patients cope with their conditions.

The General Aggression Model of violence can be used to analyze the current situation of Alzheimer’s patients in the UK. As Liu et al. (2020) note, it is a model that is used to evaluate the origin of violent or unpredictable behavior among the patients. Alzheimer’s patients are not often violent but some factors have also contributed to their condition. According to this theory, ideas and perceptions usually create knowledge structures that determine how people act or behave. Daly (2020) states that although Alzheimer’s is a medical condition, various factors have also contributed to the rise of this disease among the elderly. For the elderly, the covid-19 pandemic has made them have mental problems such as stress and depression as most of the lost their loved ones (Pollock et al., 2020). These mental challenges coupled with their health conditions have created negative knowledge structures and most of them are starting to have unpredictable behavior. Hence, there is an urgent need for social care workers to help Alzheimer’s patients in the UK.

To conclude, the government needs to employ more social care workers to address the needs of social care workers. The elderly who are above 65 years cannot live without the assistance of the social care workers since this disease mostly affects the functions of the brain. Moreover, the General Aggression Model (GAM) also evaluates how Alzheimer patients may have different mindsets that ultimately introduce other mental health problems such as anxiety, stress and depression. Therefore, Alzheimer patients need more social care workers to take care of them.





Daly, M., 2020. COVID‐19 and care homes in England: What happened and why?.

Social Policy & Administration54(7), pp.985-998.


Daniel, H., Bornstein, S.S., Kane, G.C. and Health and Public Policy Committee of the

American College of Physicians*, 2018. Addressing social determinants to improve patient care and promote health equity: an American College of Physicians position paper. Annals of internal medicine168(8), pp.577-578.


Hall, V.J., Foulkes, S., Saei, A., Andrews, N., Oguti, B., Charlett, A., Wellington, E., Stowe, J., Gillson, N., Atti, A. and Islam, J., 2021.

COVID-19 vaccine coverage in health-care workers in England and effectiveness of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against infection (SIREN): a prospective, multicenter, cohort study. The Lancet397(10286), pp.1725-1735.


Liu, Q., Luo, D., Haase, J.E., Guo, Q., Wang, X.Q., Liu, S., Xia, L., Liu, Z., Yang, J. and Yang, B.X., 2020.

The experiences of health-care providers during the COVID-19 crisis in China: a qualitative study. The Lancet Global Health8(6), pp.e790-e798.


Navarro, J., Doctor, F., Zamudio, V., Iqbal, R., Sangaiah, A.K. and Lino, C., 2018.

Fuzzy adaptive cognitive stimulation therapy generation for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Towards a pervasive dementia care monitoring platform. Future Generation Computer Systems88, pp.479-490.


Pollock, A., Campbell, P., Cheyne, J., Cowie, J., Davis, B., McCallum, J., McGill, K., Elders, A., Hagen, S., McClurg, D., and Torrens, C., 2020.

Interventions to support the resilience and mental health of frontline health and social care professionals during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic: a mixed-methods systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).


Rasmussen, J. and Langerman, H., 2019. Alzheimer’s disease–why

we need an early diagnosis. Degenerative neurological and neuromuscular disease9, p.123.


Sm-Rahman, A., Lo, C.H., Ramic, A., and Jahan, Y., 2020. Home-based

care for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) during COVID-19 pandemic: From challenges to solutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(24), p.9303.


Stephan, A., Bieber, A., Hopper, L., Joyce, R., Irving, K., Zanetti, O., Portolani, E., Kerpershoek, L., Verhey, F., De Vugt, M. and Wolfs, C., 2018.

Barriers and facilitators to the access to and use of formal dementia care: findings of a focus group study with people with dementia, informal careers, and health and social care professionals in eight European countries. BMC geriatrics18(1), pp.1-16.

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