Thinking Exercise Assignment Instructions

Critical Thinking Exercise Assignment Instructions


Critical thinking is an important skill to develop as you seek to become a more skilled consumer of knowledge. While some of what you read in the news or online may be true, most of us approach information such as this with a healthy dose of skepticism. We read it, think about it, consider the source(s) of the information and may even compare different versions before we are willing to accept it as truth. What many students do not realize is that academic sources should also be approached with a degree of skepticism as textbooks and academic journal articles may contain inaccuracies or hidden bias.

As Biblical worldview thinkers it is important to examine everything in light of the truth we know to be ultimately authoritative. If something we read appears to contradict what we know to be true (based on Scripture) we should examine it closely and critically.

The two examples provided below are in our textbook. In both cases, the content would seem to indicate that a position supported by Biblical truth is incorrect. We will examine each idea to determine if the message communicated can hold up to a critical analysis based on empirical evidence and our Christian worldview.



For each of the topics listed below you will:

1. Examine a statement from our textbook in light of scholarly literature, and a Biblical perspective.

2. Write a brief reaction essay (with a minimum of 500 words) describing your critical analysis and conclusions.

3. After completing analysis, you will create an APA-formatted document with the title page, your reaction essay, and a reference list identifying any source cited in your essay. You should cite the textbook, the Bible, and any other scholarly source used.



Topic 1 (Module 5)

Comparing Outcomes Related to Close Relationships

(You may discuss one or both items listed below)

Cavanaugh & Blanchard Scholarly Source Scripture
From the section on cohabitation:

“Longitudinal studies find few differences in couples’ behavior after living together for many years regardless of whether they married without cohabiting, cohabited then married, or simply cohabited” (Stafford, Kline, & Rankin, 2004).


Choose at least one of the following to include in your discussion:

Stafford, L., Kline, S. L., & Rankin, C. T. (2004). Married individuals, cohabiters, and cohabiters who marry: A longitudinal study of relational and individual well-being. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21(2), 231-248. 

From the section on LGBTQ Relationships:

“Research indicates committed gay and lesbian couples have most of the same characteristics as committed heterosexual couples.”

Choose at least one of the following to include in your discussion:

Veldhuis, C. B., Hughes, T. L., Drabble, L., Wilsnack, S. C., Riggle, E. D. B., & Rostosky, S. S. (2019). Relationship status and drinking-related outcomes in a community sample of lesbian and bisexual women. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(1), 244-268. 

Kolk, M., Andersson, G. Two Decades of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden: A Demographic Account of Developments in Marriage, Childbearing, and Divorce. Demography 57, 147–169 (2020). 

Kelley, M. L., Milletich, R. J., Lewis, R. J., Winstead, B. A., Barraco, C. L., Padilla, M. A., & Lynn, C. (2014). Predictors of perpetration of men’s same-sex partner violence. Violence and Victims, 29(5), 784-796. 

Rollè, L., Giardina, G., Caldarera, A. M., Gerino, E., & Brustia, P. (2018). When intimate partner violence meets same sex couples: A review of same sex intimate partner violence. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1506-1506. 





Topic 2 (Module 7)

Comparing Perspectives Related to End of Life Issues

Cavanaugh & Blanchard Alternative Perspective Scripture
From the section on Euthanasia:

In the arena of death and dying, the most important bioethical issue is  euthanasia —the practice of ending life for reasons of mercy.

Children under the age of 18 were euthanized in Belgium between Jan 1, 2016 and Dec 31, 2017. They were 9, 11, and 17 years old.


“Last year, a member of the euthanasia commission resigned in protest because it refused to recommend prosecution when a woman with dementia who had not requested euthanasia was nevertheless put to death at her family’s request” 


Bioethicists in Canada argue that doctors should be allowed to euthanize children without parental consent. 




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