Anti marijuana campaign

anti-marijuana campaign


Use the APA Paper Template to complete the following:

  • Write a 3–5 content-page paper that describes a real-world problem from the chosen scenario with support from theory and research.
  • Use one of the following scenarios and supporting resources from Week 6’s Prepare: Choose Your Scenario activity as the basis for this assignment:
    • Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign.


Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign

You have been asked to create ideas for an awareness campaign to prevent teenagers from using marijuana. Consider ideas that have a chance to attract adolescents’ attention. What does the research say about prevention?

  • Possible theories:
    • Behavioral theory.
    • Psychoanalytic theory.
  • Possible sources:
    • Crano, W. D., Alvaro, E. M., Tan, C. N., & Siegel, J. T. (2017). Social mediation of persuasive media in adolescent substance prevention. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(4), 479‒487.
    • Alvaro, E. M., Crano, W. D., Siegel, J. T., Hohman, Z., Johnson, I., & Nakawaki, B. (2013). Adolescents’ attitudes toward antimarijuana ads, usage intentions, and actual marijuana usage. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(4), 1027‒1035.
  • Possible search terms:
    • Drug use prevention, media campaign (use in combinations in Summon or one of the Best Bets in Finding Articles: Psychology Research Guide (BS). Use quotes around phrases to search an exact phrase.
  • Use in-text citations in the paper and create title and reference pages.
  • Use the following Capella University Library resources to conduct research:
    • How to Use Databases A-Z.
    • Finding Articles: Psychology Research Guide (BS).
    • Databases A-Z: Psychology: Articles.

Use the following headings to organize your paper:

Title page:

  • Follow the template instructions.


  • Apply a foundational psychological theory to address the problem in the selected scenario.
    • Summarize the identified problem in the selected scenario.

Foundational Theory:

  • Describe the theory or theories that apply to your scenario.

Research Method and Findings:

  • Apply findings from scholarly research to the problem in your scenario.
  • Describe the research methods outlined in your scholarly research articles.

Mental Health and Well-Being:

  • Speculate how the problem could impact mental health and well-being through behavior changes.


  • Follow the template instructions.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Paper length: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
  • Resources: A minimum of three professional and scholarly sources: two or more of these should be scholarly (peer-reviewed journal articles); a professional source may be a textbook or other resource. Please avoid popular media sources.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • SafeAssign: Use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately.

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