Assignment 3 Story Telling Class Speech How to Manage Conflicts just follow the instructions from the file which i upload. All details in this instructions

Assignment 3 Story Telling Class Speech How to Manage Conflicts just follow the instructions from the file which i upload. All details in this instructions file Assignment 3: Storytelling – How To… Teach The Class How to Do Something
Submit: On Canvas as a PDF file
Length: 1 page, single spaced, 12pt font
Memo Format
For this assignment you will provide the class with a 2-minute presentation demonstrating how to do
something of relevance in the business world. Past presentations have included how to tie a tie; how to
dress for an interview; or specific skills pertinent to a field or industry.
Before you tell your story (see Canvas/Syllabus for dates), submit a memo (i.e., single spaced, To, From,
Date, Subject with the following information:
1) Your story title
2) A brief summary of the story/how to
3) A succinct restatement (one sentence) of its moral
4) The “management goal” it serves–use Denning’s Management List.
**No notes, props or PowerPoints should be included in this presentation.
Stephen Denning ’s 7 management storytelling goals:
1. Sparking action: Getting people to change.
2. Communicating who you are: Revealing your strengths, vulnerabilities, lessons learned, obstacles
3. Transmitting values: Clearly identifying what is important, acceptable/unacceptable in
4. Fostering collaboration: Creating a sense of community; inspiring people to work
toward common good.
5. Taming the grapevine: Defuse rumors, often using humor to explain previous false gossip.
6. Sharing knowledge: Mistakes made and how lessons were learned and procedures improved.
7. Leading people into the future: Create an enticing vision/image,
something to work toward

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