Entries by Ben

Conduct Quantitative Analysis – Management Project This project will help you advise your company’s management on the cost of doing business, how to achiev

Conduct Quantitative Analysis – Management Project This project will help you advise your company’s management on the cost of doing business, how to achieve success in income revenues, and make recommendations on the allocation of salaries across the company. Management will be able to use your analysis to fairly adjust salary anomalies, and also show […]

BB3651 Columbia Southern Leadership Emotional Intelligence Case Study For your case study, read the sections titled “Visionary” through “Affiliative Summar

BB3651 Columbia Southern Leadership Emotional Intelligence Case Study For your case study, read the sections titled “Visionary” through “Affiliative Summary” of the following article from the BBA 3651, Leadership 2 required reading assignment: Preston, G., Moon, J., Simon, R., Allen, S., & Kossi, E. (2015). The relevance of emotional intelligence in project leadership. Journal of […]

IRLS402 AMU NGO Employee Role Play Paper You are an employee of an NGO interested in encouraging state compliance with international norms. Your supervisor

IRLS402 AMU NGO Employee Role Play Paper You are an employee of an NGO interested in encouraging state compliance with international norms. Your supervisor has asked you to produce a white paper in which you discuss at least three strategies IGOs, states and other NGOS use for enforcement of international law. Your overall focus should […]

Evidence Base Practice essay 2-3 references. table 7.3 is attached! Due on Wednesday morning… Although the official definition focuses on a desco STUDIES

Evidence Base Practice essay 2-3 references. table 7.3 is attached! Due on Wednesday morning… Although the official definition focuses on a desco STUDIES agreement that research misconduct covers many other issues including improprieties of authorship, poor data management, conflicts of interest, inap- propriate financial arrangements, failure to comply with governmental regulations, and unauthorized use of […]

NSG256 Strategies to Promote Health Among nurses University of Phoenix Material Research Topic, Problem, and Question Complete this worksheet to develop

NSG256 Strategies to Promote Health Among nurses University of Phoenix Material Research Topic, Problem, and Question Complete this worksheet to develop your research focus for this course. To help you better understand the main parts of research, this topic will be the basis for other assignments in the course. Identify a Research Topic Grove, Gray, […]

The Killing of Michael Brown Annotated Bibliography You will prepare four annotated bibliography to questions from the assigned readings. Specific instruc

The Killing of Michael Brown Annotated Bibliography You will prepare four annotated bibliography to questions from the assigned readings. Specific instructions will be provided with each question set, and the use of APA 6th edition, a DOI, and Persistent Link for each article. 1.Justice administrators must know how to plan, implement, and evaluate interventions that […]

HIST365 UMUC Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement Write an annotated bibliography. This will list and describe a minimum of 10 primary and

HIST365 UMUC Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement Write an annotated bibliography. This will list and describe a minimum of 10 primary and secondary sources, with specific requirements detailed below, that you may use in your paper. Attach a brief (1-2 sentences) current description of your topic. (Note: the topic may have […]

Hope in Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants Paper 2: Argue whether the Prophets find hope 1) in the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants or 2) in the law codes of t

Hope in Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants Paper 2: Argue whether the Prophets find hope 1) in the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants or 2) in the law codes of the Mosaic Covenant? (1000–1200 words) Video: Getting Ready for the Second Paper Paper Outline Introduction: must end with a clear thesis statement. Body Paragraphs: each paragraph must […]

PSY450 University of Phoenix Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper Choose one of the case studies provided in the electronic readings for Week One. Write a 1,050

PSY450 University of Phoenix Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper Choose one of the case studies provided in the electronic readings for Week One. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze cross-cultural psychology. As a part of your analysis, do the following: Provide an overview of the case study. Use the case study to provide […]