Entries by Whiteread Jody

Signature Project Stage Research Proposal

Assignment Instructions: Review the attached Research Proposal Overview and the Good Example to gain a better understanding of what the final submission will require. Construct Chapters 1, 2, and 3, your reference list, and any appendicies for your Signature Project Stage 1 Research Proposal. Be sure to review the attached rubric that is aligned with this […]

Different cultural practices in childhood

Discussion 1: Socio-Emotional Development Cultural behaviors and practices vary dramatically around the globe, though no one practice is more effective than the other. These cultural behaviors and practices not only enrich the lives of children but also impact child development, group dynamics, and all aspects related to thinking (e.g., decision making). Thus, all domains of […]

Culture and human development

Language is often a central element of many cultures. Language learning presents many milestones in language development. The majority of the world learns one language if not more. However, parenting language practices vary around the globe. Remarkably, despite diversity in child-rearing all children typically learn a language following the same steps and sequence and at […]

Benefit of using brief counseling

Assignment 1: At least 200 words, APA format Please remember to provide a reference for your behavioral technique and a detailed description of the technique you found and how it could be used in counseling with a child or adolescent. Please find one behavioral technique that can be used with children or adolescents. Examples of behavioral techniques include […]

Relationship between social media and prejudice

In this assignment, we will examine the relationship between social media and prejudice Scan social mediIn this assignment, we will examine the relationship between social media and prejudice Scan social media websites to find three posts that reflect negative stereotypes and/or prejudiced attitudes, or posts that take a social justice perspective on the topic (e.g., […]

Attitudes of social media

In this assignment, we will examine the relationship between social media and prejudice Scan social media websites to find three posts that reflect negative stereotypes and/or prejudiced attitudes, or posts that take a social justice perspective on the topic (e.g., the site suggests ways to combat these attitudes and beliefs). Be sure to include links […]

Disadvantages of using an Internet site

Identify the type of research (survey, experiment, etc.) used with the study and evaluate the appropriateness of that methodology. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as a means of collecting data in psychological research. Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns noted while participating in the study. Use three to […]

System of Empirically Based Assessment

Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment   Preview of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment by ROSEMARY FLANAGAN, Assistant Professor/Director, Masters Program in School Psychology, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY: DESCRIPTION. The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) available in two versions for children (ages 1.5-5 and 6-18), is a multiple-rater system used […]

Research in Psychology Analyzing Research

Research in Psychology: Analyzing Research No unread replies.No replieAnalyzing Research Step 1: Visit the Public Library of Science (PLOS One) website (Links to an external site.) (a peer-reviewed journal that freely publishes research articles with open licenses). Do a search for an article that interests you, then answer the following: What is the hyperlink to the study you […]

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience

Choose one of the two provided topics. Right to Die Goligher, E. C., Cigolini, M., Cormier, A., Donnelly, S., Ferrier, C., Gorshkov-Cantacuzène, V. A., … Quinlan, J. (2019). Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are unethical acts. World Medical Journal, 65(1), 34–37. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=136957959&site=ehost-live&scope=site Calabrò, R. S., Naro, A., De Luca, R., Russo, M., Caccamo, L., […]