Research in Psychology Analyzing Research

Research in Psychology: Analyzing Research

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Step 1: Visit the Public Library of Science (PLOS One) website (Links to an external site.) (a peer-reviewed journal that freely publishes research articles with open licenses). Do a search for an article that interests you, then answer the following:

  1. What is the hyperlink to the study you chose?
  2. What is the title of the study, and who conducted the research?
  3. Describe the study in a few sentences in your own words.
  4. Identify and describe either the basic assumption of the researchers, or if it was an experiment, the hypothesis. Why were they conducting this research?
  5. How was the study performed? What methods were used?
  6. What were the results and conclusions of this study?
  7. What questions do you still have after reading about this study? For example, if you were to conduct another study based off of this study, what questions would you ask and what would you still want to find out?

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