Corresponding citations in body writing

For each “In the News” assignment, students will be assigned an article to review followed by some instructions regarding how to specifically analyze the article. Each submission must contain at least two references to substantiate the responses provided. One of the references must be the course textbook. Remember references should be accompanied by their corresponding citations in the body of the writing. When inserting references and their corresponding citations, students should follow APA format.

Students with the last name beginning with a letter A-M, select one prediction (1-5 in the article’s list) to focus on for this assignment.

Slide criteria:

  • Slides should contain some kind of design. Simple black text on a white background is not acceptable.
  • Each slide should contain a photo or graph to coincide with its text.
  • A grammar or spell check should be conducted prior to submission.
  • Text on the slides should be listed in a bulleted/list format, not huge paragraph chunks. There should be a minimum of 4 bulleted items per slide (but there can be more).

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