Different perspectives impacting relationships

Different perspectives can impact relationships and the maintenance of a relationship. Clark (1986) points out a couple of differences between exchange relationships and communal relationships. Clark (1986) states that communal relationships are often found in friendships, romantic relationships, and family relationships. People who engage in communal relationships are obligated to be concerned for the other’s welfare. Clark (1986) states that people who engage in communal relationships give benefits in response to the others needs or to please the other. Clark (1986) states that people who engage in exchange relationships give benefits with the expectations of receiving comparable benefits in return or in payment for benefits previously received.

I believe that people who engage in communal relationships can help develop healthy relationships (full of trust and love). In addition, I believe that people who engage in communal relationships are successful in maintaining long-term relationships. I am currently experiencing a communal relationship with my girlfriend. We are adamant about benefiting each other’s needs and as a result we are very happy and want to see it work in the long run.

On the other hand, people who engage in exchange relationships can develop into strong relationships (hard to break off from), but not healthy ones. In addition, I believe that people who engage in exchange relationships usually end up cultivating short-term relationships. An example of an exchange relationship I had was my relationship to popeyes. It has was to break away from a place i like working, but it was unhealthy as they undervalued my work performance with no opportunity growth and or pay increase, so it was a short relationship.

5-1 CH (200 wors with 1 reference)

Different perspectives when it comes to certain situations can impact relationships. These different perspectives can aid in the increase in knowledge that ones receive. When two individuals share their beliefs and opinions relating to certain subjects, they exchange and raise awareness to one another. Different perspectives aide to the versality in the world. If everyone thought the same, acted the same, and like the same things the world would not be unique as it is today. In exchange relationships, benefits are given with the expectation of receiving a comparable benefit in the future or in return for a benefit already received. According to Clark, Exchange relationships are contrasted with communal relationships, where such expectation does not exist (2013). In a communal relationship, one worries about their partner’s needs. Marriage in my opinion is considered an exchange relationship. I have not yet experienced that.

5-2 KK (200 words with 1 reference)

In social exchange theory one tributes the benefits of the relationship, and withholds the costs in order to establish whether or not the relationship is worth it. Depending if the positive prevails the negative, the relationship may be worth the commitment, and time. In an equity theory, spouses are worried about the fairness of the relationship, and they ensure that they get what they deserve from the relationship. This doesn’t automatically mean fairness. Unlike in a social exchange theory where individual measures the benefits and costs, a spouse will need to establish they are having sense of balance and fairness, of what specifically it may be. Social penetration represents the process of connecting which moves a relationship from slight to exceptionally intimate. What is worth the most is the transfer of information, a form of intensity, openness, and susceptibility develops, building a deeper everlasting and entrusting bond between two individuals.

The type of relationship and which method is happening, there are four connection styles that measure an individual’s stage of self-esteem and faith. These four are varying styles are: secure connection, fearful-avoidant connection, preoccupied connection and dismissing connection (Branscombe & Baron, 2017). The frequently undesirable connection style that one would wish to engage is that of a fearful-avoidant connection. An individual has a poor- self-esteem and a strong degree of trust, which is sadly a method for disappointment, since negative dependence and bonds are produced and relied upon. The alternative view of the scope, an individual who is part of a stable connection is an individual who knows a large self-esteem and trust, forming a well- balanced attitude and then there is a higher chance in maintaining longer lasting, engaged relationships. Where an individual starts, one can transform the type of style they want to develop, making an opportunity for any aspect of development over the course of their life.

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