HIS114 SNHU The American Civil War You will use this milestone to set the stage for your paper and to develop your main argument. In this milestone, you wi

HIS114 SNHU The American Civil War You will use this milestone to set the stage for your paper and to develop your main argument. In this milestone, you will describe chronolog y of the event you have chosen and when the event began; identify and briefly explain the most obvious causes; and list the key par ticipants involved in the Event Description. You will also draft your Thesis Statement, which will be your one -sentence response to the Research Question provided and will include three supporting facts that you will use to defend your answer. Remember to use the assignment responses you already drafted in the Soomo resource.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Develop a thesis statement that responds to the research question and includes three components you will defend in your essay.
Establish the Context: In this section, you will write multiple paragraphs using information from the course regarding the time period in which yo ur historical event took place. You will use this section to set the stage for your argument. This section of your essay must include the following:

A. Describe your chosen historical event with clear and accurate information about why it happened, when it happened, and who was involved.

The description must include:
1. Cause(s): What events led to the event you selected? 2. Participants: Who was involved?
3. Chronology: When did this happen?

(You must do the assignment in your own word and I will give you the book link to do it even the reference, must be from the book) HIS 114 Final Project Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For the final project, you will write a historical event paper on a pre-selected topic in American history after 1865, using provided primary and
secondary resources. You will be asked to describe the event and situate the event within the context of the time period, con necting the event to trends of the
period. This milestone will allow you to set the stage for your final paper by asking you to identify the cause of the event you have chosen, the key people
involved in the event, and the dates from start to finish.
You will use this milestone to set the stage for your paper and to develop your main argument. In this milestone, you will describe chronolog y of the event you
have chosen and when the event began; identify and briefly explain the most obvious causes; and list the key participants involved in the Event Description. You
will also draft your Thesis Statement, which will be your one-sentence response to the Research Question provided and will include three supporting facts that
you will use to defend your answer. Remember to use the assignment responses you already drafted in the Soomo resource.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Develop a thesis statement that responds to the research question and includes three components you will defend in your essay.
Establish the Context: In this section, you will write multiple paragraphs using information from the course regarding the time period in which yo ur
historical event took place. You will use this section to set the stage for your argument. This section of your essay must include the following:
A. Describe your chosen historical event with clear and accurate information about why it happened, when it happened, and who was involved.
The description must include:
1. Cause(s): What events led to the event you selected?
2. Participants: Who was involved?
3. Chronology: When did this happen?
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 1- to- 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and at least one primary and one secondary source from the provided list cited in APA or Turabian format.
Critical Elements
Thesis Statement
Proficient (100%)
Develops a thesis statement that
responds to the identified research
question and includes three components
to defend in essay
Needs Improvement (80%)
Develops a thesis statement that
responds to the identified research
question, but thesis does not include
three components to defend or is unclear
Not Evident (0%)
Does not develop a thesis statement
Context: Historical
Event Cause(s)
Explains cause(s) in describing the
historical event
Context: Historical
Event Participants
Explains participants in describing
historical event
Context: Historical
Event Chronology
Explains chronology in describing
historical event
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Explains cause(s) in describing the
historical event, but explanation contains
inaccuracies or lacks clarity
Explains participants in describing
historical event, but explanation contains
inaccuracies or lacks clarity
Explains chronology in describing
historical event, but explanation contains
inaccuracies or lacks clarity
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Does not explain cause(s) in describing
the development of historical event or
does not describe historical event
Does not explain participants in
describing historical event or does not
describe historical event
Does not explain chronology in describing
historical event or does not describe
historical event
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding
of ideas

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