I Learn America movie characters Review I cant copy the movie what I will do share my classmates work and do paraphrasing insted of watch 2 hours movie 1.

I Learn America movie characters Review I cant copy the movie what I will do share my classmates work and do paraphrasing insted of watch 2 hours movie 1. Please watch the movie (located under Content, week 3, Thursday).2. Pick one of the 5 characters (Brandon, Sandra, Jennifer , Sing, Itrat).3 . While watching the movie note 5 challenges that the characters refer to in their interviews (eg. Sing doesn’t have anyone to talk to at home or anywhere else). 4. Open a thread in the Discussion Board – I learn America, and list the five challenges you observed. Please write full sentences (eg. In his interaction with the teacher Christina, Sing answers several questions, including one that pertained to his social interactions outside school. He confessed that he didn’t have any friends, and did not talk to anyone. Note that I mentioned the challenge and the scene (context), so that the reader or the person who never watched the movies gets a better idea. One of the purposes of this activity is to familiarize yourself with issues that younger migrants face, just in case you end up interviewing a teenager or even a college student. Another goal is to give you ideas about the type a questions what you might ask during your interview, knowing about some of the challenges people face. Because many migrant children attend school, they learn English much faster, and they end up becoming interpreters from their parents (even in situations that are above their understanding, such as doctor’s appointments). Sandra’s case is another example of this type of additional pressure migrant children face. Remember, she was asked to translate her grandpa’s letter from immigration, a document clearly above her age. She seemed embarrassed when she couldn’t translate it in such way that her grandpa understood, and in one way it appeared that she even felt guilty.

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