Milestones of Motor Development
Lifespan Development 2222
Milestones of Motor Development
Your textbook is great— but is not clear– and even misleading in the chart given for motor development for when movement skills should develop. Use this guideline INSTEAD of your book’s chart for better accuracy.
3.2 months:
rolling over
3.3 months:
grasping rattle |
5.9 months:
sitting without support |
7.2 months:
standing while holding on |
8.2 months: grasping with thumb and finger |
11.5 months: standing alone well
12.3 months: walking well | 14.8 months: building tower of two cubes | 16.6 months: walking up steps | 23.8 months: jumping in place |
**Fifty percent of children are able to perform each skill at the month indicated below. However, the specific timing at which each skill appears varies widely. For example, one-quarter of children are able to walk well at 11.1 months; by 14.9 months, 90 percent of children are walking well. See your lesson for a further discussion of motor development and ‘red flags.’
(Source: Adapted from Frankenburg et al., 2002)