Physical security plan Submit a visual physical security plan, as close to scale as possible, of a home or business facility. Using the information in the

Physical security plan Submit a visual physical security plan, as close to scale as possible, of a home or business facility. Using the information in the textbook to assist you. You should consider all aspects of the use of personnel, security devices, alarm systems, fencing, and lighting. The grade on this assignment will depend upon several factors; having adequate security without over-securing; how well thought out the design is in relation to overcoming problem areas; and, the clarity of the presentation itself. Your visual plan should be in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Show your planned usage of security devices, alarms system devices, fencing, and lighting in the floor plan. In addition to the graphic layout of the floor plan and the security devices, submit a text summary of your facility design in a second PowerPoint slide discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the security design . It is not necessary to submit a separate Word file.

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