Seven therapy models discussed

Case Study

For this paper, you are asked to discuss client information, assessments, addiction information, and treatment found in the provided case study.

Read: Case Study 1


Instruction: Your paper should:

· Be composed in MS Word and formatted in APA style

· Be at least 5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page

· Employ a minimum of three scholarly sources that directly support your main ideas

Overview: For this project, you must focused on certain aspects of the case study by completing a full analysis of this case study. Specifically, address the following critical elements in your paper:

· Client information

· Provide a complete background history on the client, including identifying the client and providing the addiction that the client presents with.

· Assessment

· Identify through the use of assessments the physiological procedure the client uses for administration of his addiction (oral, injection, watching videos, phone calls).

· Describe the type of environment in which the client spends his time. i. Is there support within the family?

ii. Does the subject hang around with friends who are using addictive substances?

iii. Is the subject working for a company where his addiction is encouraged?

· What is the client’s philosophical stand about his addiction?

i. What is his motivation level for getting help?

ii. Is there a sense of hope or hopelessness?

· Addiction Information

· Identify the addiction that this client presents with and provide a background history of that addiction

i. Does the client have a substance addiction, like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?

ii. Does the client have a process addiction, like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?

· What is the impact of the addiction on the individual, family, community, and/or society?

i. What are the consequences on the individual, his family, his workplace, and his community due to his addiction?

ii. Has he lost his family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?

· Differentiate between the physiological and psychological effect of the addiction.

iii. Does the addiction physiologically affect the client’s behaviors and mental processes? If so, how?

iv. Does the addiction psychologically affect the client’s behaviors and mental processes? If so, how?


· Treatment

· Describe the treatment plan for this client.

i. Do you agree with the counselor’s choice of treatment?

ii. If so, discuss why you agree with the counselor’s choice. If not, describe how you would alter the treatment plan. Provide support for

your claims.

iii. Out of the seven therapy models discussed in this course, which do you think would work best for this client?

a) Moral model

b) Psychological model

c) Family model

d) Disease model

e) Biological model

f) Sociocultural model

g) Multi-causal model

· If the counselor were to develop a relapse prevention plan for this client, what could this plan look like? (See choices below.)

i. Would you collaborate with a psychiatrist to use medication?

ii. Group therapy

iii. Support meetings

iv. Intensive outpatient (9 hours of therapy per week)

· Provide examples of how the proposed relapse prevention plan would impact the individual, family, community, and/or society. (See choices


i. Family therapy

ii. Use of an employee assistance program

iii. Monitored recovery

iv. Aftercare programs

v. Volunteering within the community to help others

vi. Sponsorship

· Results

· Discuss the results of this case.

i. Did the client respond positively to the treatment?

ii. Did the client relapse?

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