Social media related to political service
RQ1: What are participants’ attitudes towards community service, as measured by the Community Service Attitude Subscales (CSAS)?
H10: There is no relationship between the CSAS subscales
H1A: There is a relationship between the CSAS subscales
Analysis: Correlation between the CSAS Subscales: Awareness, Connectedness, Normative Helping Behavior, Costs, Benefits, Career Benefits, Seriousness, Intention, Future Plans
RQ2: What are some predictors of attitudes to community service (as measured by CSAS subscales): Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?
H10: There are no demographic predictors of community service (using CSAS subscales)
H1A: There are demographic predictors of community service (using CSAS subscales)
Analysis: Multiple regressions with subscales and demographics
RQ3: What is the relationship between community service and social media?
H10: There is no relationship between community service and social media
H1A: There is a relationship between community service and social media
Analysis: Correlation between community service and social media
RQ4: What is the relationship between political participation and social media?
H10: There is no relationship between political participation and social media
H1A: There is a relationship between political participation and social media
Analysis: Correlation between political participation and social media
RQ5: What are predictors of use of social media related to community service: Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?
H10: There are no demographic predictors for use of social media related to community service
H1A: There are demographic predictors for use of social media related to community service
Analysis: Multiple regressions with use of social media related to community service
RQ6: What are predictors of use of social media related to political service: Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?
H10: There are no demographic predictors for use of social media related to political service
H1A: There are demographic predictors for use of social media related to political service
Analysis: Multiple regressions with use of social media related to political service
RQ7: What is the relationship between attitudes toward community service (as measured by the CSAS) and use of social media?
H10: There is no relationship between CSAS subscales and social media
H1A: There is a relationship between CSAS subscales and social media
Analysis: Correlation between CSAS subscales and social media
RQ8 Open ended question: What is the experience of engaging in community service participation?
Analysis: coding and correlation with community service
RQ9 Open ended question: What is the experience of engaging in political participation?
Analysis: coding and correlation with political service
RQ10 Open ended question: What are the reasons given for people not to participate in community service?
Analysis: coding and correlation with community service
RQ11 Open ended question: What are the reasons given for people not to participate in political service?
Analysis: coding and correlation with political service