The effect of Global Warming Attached it an outline, which will need to be followed and all the issues addressed about GLOBAL WARMING, which is an issue a

The effect of Global Warming Attached it an outline, which will need to be followed and all the issues addressed about GLOBAL WARMING, which is an issue a lot of people don’t believe in Global Warning
Jesus Padilla
Hodges University
Global Warning
Global Warming
A. Unregulated use of fossil fuels
B. Neglect of the laid down environmental laws and policies
1. UN based climate policies
2. The 2015 Paris agreement
C. Over-exploitation of natural resources
Effects of Global warming
A. The rise in average global temperatures
B. Abnormal weather patterns
1. Heavy and destructive rains and flooding
2. Storms that cause deaths and property destruction
C. Melting of ice and subsequent rise in sea levels
1. Loss of vital coastal land and resources
2. Displacement of people along the coastal areas
D. Intense heat and drought thus causing drought and hunger
E. Death of marine animals
Global Warning
A. Less use of fossil fuels
B. Punitive measures for those who break the environmental
C. The shift from fossil fuels to green energy
1. Installation of solar panels
2. More use of hydroelectric power
D. Establishment of strong environmental conservation bodies
E. Increased funding of environmental initiatives and agencies

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