To complete this project assignment successfully, please view the video in this module’s section Crisis Intervention Project – Crisis Worker Video Intervi

To complete this project assignment successfully, please view the video in this module’s section Crisis Intervention Project – Crisis Worker Video Interview 7.

The crisis worker has shared information on what it takes to be an effective crisis intervention professional. In a 1-2 page paper provide a brief overview of the key points included in the video and answer the following questions:

What guidelines can be given to HS professionals who need to offer crisis intervention in response to tragedies?
After listening to the crisis worker’s commentary, what additional information will you need to know to respond to tragic events?
Provide 2-3 examples of tragic events.
Base your writing on the video, further research, and any personal experiences, thoughts, or self-evaluation.

The video discuss that you should always have an listening ear to your client and be able to support and encourage the client.

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