Entries by Whiteread Jody

Intricacies of health care delivery system

Watch the following videos in preparation for this assignment: NY State of Health (2016, January 12). Health Insurance Explained . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9fRGwg0btk H. S. Rexburg (2016, October 19). Accreditation of health care . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XDs7ccTQDs Use what you learned from the videos, the module’s required readings, and your own research to answer the following questions. What is managed care […]

Negative stereotypes affecting individuals

For this assignment, you are going to gather some data and discuss your results. Interview or survey 10 people and ask each person the first three terms or words that come to mind when they think of each of these age groups (so each interviewee will give you 12 words): Children Teenagers Middle-Aged Adults Senior Citizens […]

Concept of evidence-based programs

The warm-up activities focused on defining, refining, and analyzing the concept of evidence-based programs. Having read and reviewed these resources, prepare a 350 to 500-word discussion post around the application of Evidence-Based Practices in the workplace, particularly as it relates toEfficacy of Treatment in a Correctional Environment If your focus area is less related to […]

Researched literature review study

based on your researched literature review, you will evaluate further the extent of the problem related to your research topic. Choose which educational tool would be appropriate to address your research problem to an audience either by presenting a training (train) or webinar (inform). You will consider the topic issue, the purpose, and the target […]

Introduction to Biological Psychology

The history of biological psychology is in many ways the history of technical advances. Which three technological advances do you think were the most significant and why? Complete the following readings from your textbook: Freberg, L. (2019). Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience: An Introduction to Biological Psychology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc. Chapter 1: What is Behavioral […]

Reaction based on personal experiences

Based on what you have learned in class thus far and on the research on the WEB, write a unified and clear discussion. You are expected to consult outside sources to go beyond what has been presented in class.     1. Post your answer as established by your instructor on the course calendar. Your […]

Practice of Sport and Performance Psychology

Your initial post should read approximately 250 to 350 words in length and include at least one citation from the bibliography of your textbook chapter, with the accompanying reference in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from the textbook, an article of your choosing, and one of this […]

The concept Theory of Mind

This week we will discuss the concept of ‘Theory of Mind.’ Read this article and watch the associated videos:  https://nobaproject.com/modules/theory-of-mind#abstract 1. Now, recall a situation in which you tried to infer what a person was thinking or feeling but you just couldn’t figure it out, and recall another situation in which you tried the same but […]

Relationship between two sets of data

This is a complicated looking chart, but it really isn’t complicated. The chart explains very clearly how 6 demographic indicators are related with measurable IQ. These data are strictly correlational, which means that these are the average relationships found in the population.  This is not a cause and effect relationship. A correlation is a relationship […]

Prices of various computer components

Search the Internet or in a newspaper or magazine for prices of various computer components or peripherals. Conduct an essay where you compare the prices and options of the different brands in the market. Submit the document with a brief explanation of the components, uses, and costs.   Use an Essay Format You must present […]