Review of Important Information

Topic: Working with youth who experienced bullying

Please include age, range, gender, etc.

Component I: Review of Important Information

· Conduct a thorough search of your topic. You will need at least 10 sources for your paper. You may use books, peer- reviewed journal articles, and up to 3 website sources (for ideas for the creative activity only). Note: Please use current journal articles published within the last six years.

· The first part of your paper should review and synthesize important information about your special topic from the resources you identified (this should be about 2-3 pages).

2. Be sure to cite all sources within your paper using APA 7 formatting. Please see the APA 7 manual for instructions and examples of how to use citations.

Component II: Identify a Counseling Theory

· Next, identify a counseling theory that we have studied this semester that you would use when working with a child/adolescent with this presenting concern. Please discuss why you believe this theory or approach would be appropriate (this should be about 1-2 pages).

Component II: Develop a Creative Activity

· Finally, identify a specific age of a child/adolescent with this concern you would like to work with and develop a creative activity/experience that would be appropriate to use with this child/adolescent. Describe how this activity/experience fits with your theory (this portion should be about 1 page). Although you can get ideas about creative activities from websites or journal articles, please note that this must be an original creative activity that you have developed.

· The paper should be between 5-6 pages long not including the title page and reference list and written in APA style. You do not need to include an abstract

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