Criminal history immigration status (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


The country has been hit by a pandemic.  Those who come down with the flu can recover but they will need the help of a ventilator to get healthy.  There are a limited number of ventilators.  How do you believe they should be distributed? (1) They should be distributed in order to save the most years of life.  (2)  They should be distributed to those who will be most helpful during the pandemic like doctors, first responders, nurses, etc. (3) Who receives a ventilator should be left up to a lottery or first come, first serve.

Do you think any value issues like gender, race, socio-economic status, criminal history, immigration status should be taken into consideration when distributing ventilators under the model you chose?

Under what conditions during the event would it be acceptable to remove a ventilator from one person and give it to another?

2) (Links to an external site.)

Complete the questions in the viewing set (see below) as you watch the documentary.  Then read the link titled, Making Arguments II (see below), on evidence and follow carefully the directions here.   This forum requires three postings in all — one reply to the forum question and two replies to classmates.

For the utilitarian philosopher, policies are good that provide the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number.  So what then is the relationship of profit and happiness?  Should maximizing profit be seen as basically identical to maximizing happiness for all?  In the case of health care, whether receiving it or providing it, are there really any choices here to make?  Everyone wants good health care because the alternative (i.e., bad health care) is genuinely life threatening.   But then if there is only one sustainable way to consistently provide people good health care then we wouldn’t actually have any choices to make here.  This week’s video asks the question of whether there are any clear, viable, real-world alternatives to the US model of a market driven health system.   It describes five health care systems, those of Great Britain, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland and, through the comparisons it makes with these four, the United States.

Forum Question: Which of these four do you think a person or group of persons aiming to maximize the happiness of the most people would choose to implement for a nation?  Is this the one you would choose?  Why or why not?

3) The issue of medical paternalism might not seem such a big issue if sometimes doctors and medical practitioners did not seem to really go off into left field on occasion. I’d like you to consider this issue as you listen to the Radio Lab documentary Help! located at: (Links to an external site.)

The specific story you need need begins at minute 41 in the broadcast and goes to minute 56.

THE QUESTION: Is it ethical for medical professionals to deceive their patients if doing so could vastly improve their health or even save their life?

Hugh Herr: TED Talk (Links to an external site.)

Documentary: Growing up Trans

Hugh Herr intends to develop prosthetics that go beyond correcting for disabling conditions.  He wants to create prosthetics that would allow the body to go beyond its natural limits.  Would you place limits on surgical implantation of technological prosthetic enhancements?  If you would place such limits where would you place them and why?

Now, consider the technologies (pharmaceutical and surgical) involved in sex reassignment procedures.  Can you apply the ethical guidelines you developed for prosthetic enhancements to the technologies that alter gender?

Age of onset and Gender features


Include a title page and reference page. 

· Symptoms and Prevalence rates – According to the DSM-5 criteria, what are the typical symptoms seen in the disorder you are researching. NO BULLETING OF SYMPTOMSPrevalence rates should include sub-cultures of the US such as African American, Asian American, Hispanic American populations as well as rates in 2  countries. (1pt.)

· Cultural variables – You should list what world cultures your disorder is found in and if it presents with the same symptom picture reported in the U.S. (Prevalence rates should be addressed in the Symptoms and Prevalence section above.) For example: Schizophrenia is found in every culture/country in the world however, it is perceived differently in some cultures. You should also include subcultures of the US (e.g. African American, Asian American, Native American, Hispanic). (2pts)

· Age of onset and Gender features – What is the average age when symptoms appear that lead to a diagnosis? For Gender features:  Does the symptom picture present differently in men compared to women? Is it more common in one sex as opposed to the other? Eg. Bipolar is equally common among men and women, major depression is diagnosed 2X more in women than in men etc. (1pt.)

· Etiology – Describe the biology and genetics involved in the disorder you are researching.

Neurotransmitter systems and sub-cortical structures of the brain: What are the neurotransmitter systems and sub-cortical brain structures that are dysregulated or atrophied that give rise to the development of the disorder you are researching? Is it a purely biological disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar or is it a trauma-based disorder that affects the biology of the individual such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociative disorders, or depression etc.?

Is the disorder you are researching heritable? Does it run in families such as the mood disorders and anxiety disorders, or the dementia group (Alzheimer’s disease) etc.?  (2pt)

· Course and Prognosis– Does the disorder you are researching have a chronic course such as some anxiety disorders (e.g. generalized anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder?) Does it have a variable course such as seen in borderline personality disorder, or possibly episodic as seen in depression?

For Prognosis: What is the end result you expect to see with regard to the symptom picture? E.g. What would the symptom picture look like when the person is age 70. E.g. Would the client still have to be on medication or still need to be in therapy? Would they still exhibit the complete criteria of symptoms of the disorder or would many of the symptoms abate by advanced age? (1pt)

· Current treatment– What is the most efficacious treatment model for the disorder you have chosen to research (Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, etc. or is it best treated with a combination or with an eclectic approach).

o Explain the main underlying theory of the treatment used.

o Give an example of ONE technique that would be used from the therapy used to treat someone with the disorder you are researching. (1pt.)

· Differential diagnosis – Compare and contrast another disorder (ONE) which is similar and how to differentiate it from the disorder you have chosen to research. In what ways is it similar and in what ways is it dissimilar?  (How do you tell it apart?) E.g. Major Depression vs Persistent Depressive Disorder (formerly known as Dysthymia). (2pt.)

Must be double spaced (12pt type and Times New Roman)

Must have within text citations. THIS IS A MUST

Articles, the DSM-5, books, and online sources are fine (.org more preferable but .com is fine with discretion). Try to use empirical sources when possible.  E.g. Journal of Abnormal Psychology etc.



Social media related to political service

RQ1: What are participants’ attitudes towards community service, as measured by the Community Service Attitude Subscales (CSAS)?

H10: There is no relationship between the CSAS subscales

H1A: There is a relationship between the CSAS subscales

Analysis: Correlation between the CSAS Subscales: Awareness, Connectedness, Normative Helping Behavior, Costs, Benefits, Career Benefits, Seriousness, Intention, Future Plans

RQ2: What are some predictors of attitudes to community service (as measured by CSAS subscales): Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?

H10: There are no demographic predictors of community service (using CSAS subscales)

H1A: There are demographic predictors of community service (using CSAS subscales)

Analysis: Multiple regressions with subscales and demographics

RQ3: What is the relationship between community service and social media?

H10: There is no relationship between community service and social media

H1A: There is a relationship between community service and social media

Analysis: Correlation between community service and social media

RQ4: What is the relationship between political participation and social media?

H10: There is no relationship between political participation and social media

H1A: There is a relationship between political participation and social media

Analysis: Correlation between political participation and social media

RQ5: What are predictors of use of social media related to community service: Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?

H10: There are no demographic predictors for use of social media related to community service

H1A: There are demographic predictors for use of social media related to community service

Analysis: Multiple regressions with use of social media related to community service

RQ6: What are predictors of use of social media related to political service: Demographics: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education?

H10: There are no demographic predictors for use of social media related to political service

H1A: There are demographic predictors for use of social media related to political service

Analysis: Multiple regressions with use of social media related to political service

RQ7: What is the relationship between attitudes toward community service (as measured by the CSAS) and use of social media?

H10: There is no relationship between CSAS subscales and social media

H1A: There is a relationship between CSAS subscales and social media

Analysis: Correlation between CSAS subscales and social media

RQ8 Open ended question: What is the experience of engaging in community service participation?

Analysis: coding and correlation with community service

RQ9 Open ended question: What is the experience of engaging in political participation?

Analysis: coding and correlation with political service

RQ10 Open ended question: What are the reasons given for people not to participate in community service?

Analysis: coding and correlation with community service

RQ11 Open ended question: What are the reasons given for people not to participate in political service?

Analysis: coding and correlation with political service

Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists


For this assignment, you will first invent a mock client that you will evaluate in later assignments. You will then create an informed consent form and a release of information form that you would submit to this fictional evaluee. Finally, you will analyze how these forms would function differently in a clinical (non-forensic) setting. Your assignment will include the following as a single document:

  1. Informed Consent
    • This form should include (at a minimum) the purpose of the evaluation, which information will be released and to whom, which information will be included in the written report, rights of your mock evaluee during the process, and any other limitations to confidentiality.
  2. Release of Information
    • This form should include (at a minimum) identifying information about your mock evaluee, where the information should be sent, what specific information about the evaluated person will be obtained or released, how the release of information may be revoked, and how long the release of information is valid.
  3. Differences Between These Documents in Forensic and Non-Forensic Settings
    • In this third section, you should describe how these forms would differ if you were practicing in a non-forensic (for example, a clinical) setting.

Note: Both the informed consent form and the release of information form should adhere to the American Psychological Association’s Code of Conduct and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists 


Your assignment should fulfill the following objectives:

  1. Create an informed consent form that adheres to the American Psychological Association’s Code of Conduct and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists.
  2. Create a release of information form that adheres to the American Psychological Association’s Code of Conduct and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists.
  3. Distinguish how the informed consent and release of information forms would function differently in a non-forensic (such as a clinical) setting.
  4. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.

Additional Requirements

In addition to the above objectives, your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Formatting: current edition APA style and format.
  • Length of informed consent form: 1 page.
  • Length of release of information form: 1 page.
  • Length of third section: 2–3 pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

Effects on human development

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Your task is to create an informational brochure to educate people in your community about groupwork and local organizations that provide group treatment. Your brochure must include the following:

· A basic description of group work appropriate for your community audience

· A description of at least two evidence-based group treatments

· Information on three agencies in your community that provide group treatment and detailed descriptions of the groups they offer. Include all of the information that a member of the community would need in order to access services in each of these groups.

Finally, submit a brief Video Note in ….. Your video should identify a social policy at the local, state, or federal level that impacts the delivery of, or access to, group treatment in your community.

To create a video note, select the Record video option in the assignment submission area. You will need your webcam to complete this video. Press the New Recording button when you are ready to record your video note and the Stop Recording when finished. Click the Add button to include the video in your assignment submission. Note, the Video Note tool records a maximum of 3 minutes. Plan on splitting your video into multiple segments if need be.

Alternate assignment: If you do not have access to a webcam, prepare a 1-2 page paper addressing your recommendation in addition to the brochure.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 3-5 brochure pages plus short video clip, not including title or reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.




Mezzo-Level Practice: Groups and Organizations  

Socioeconomic status has been found to affect both the need for and access to social services. On a global scale, many individuals with mental and developmental disabilities live in poverty, unable to afford basic life essentials such as shelter, food, and access to health care. Research has found that poverty manifests its effects on human development through family stability, early education and care, and neighborhoods.

The discipline of social work is closely entwined with battling poverty from its onset. Social workers focus on both the individual (who is poor) and the environment (circumstances that lead to poverty) to determine which services might be needed to assist clients as well as assessing which policies might need to be developed to mitigate the impact of poverty. In addition to working with the poor, social workers also may assist individuals who may need help in becoming self-sufficient such as women, children, and individuals with mental illness. This dual approach to social work (micro-macro) is rooted in social work practice (Rothman & Mizrahi, 2014).

The micro and macro levels of practice bookend the mid, or mezzo, level of practice. This week’s readings focus on mezzo practice, and the assignment asks you to apply what you learn about groups. Group work is an established strategy for pursuing social justice and is the preferred method of treating a variety of individual and social problems.

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.


Rothman, J., & Mizrahi, T. (2014). Balancing micro and macro practice: A challenge for social work. Social Work59(1), 91–93.

Brief Trauma Questionnaire Interpretation

Trauma Case Study: Child Template

For the Trauma Case Study: Child Assignment, using the “Trauma Case Study: Child Narrative,” you will give an overview of what you have determined via specific assessments of what is happening with this client. Note that each “bullet” below is required to be a minimum of one paragraph! In your write-up, you will need to provide (review the rubric for more detail):


· In the first paragraph, write a short synopsis of this client, expounding on their presenting problem, history, and what issues “jumped out” at you first.

· In the next section (refer to page 2 on how the paper is to be divided up), using the Brief Trauma Questionnaire (BTQ) found in the Trauma Case Study: Child Resources section. Read the instructions for use/scoring, then scroll to the bottom and download the BTQ (PDF), and circle the appropriate answers based on the information you garnered from the narrative. Then, you will write a good paragraph summarizing your scoring and interview answers. When you write this paragraph, use the client’s own answers to justify your scoring! You will scan or take a picture and include a copy of just the scored Brief Trauma Questionnaire ( page 4 only ) showing how/where you placed your circles when you upload your paper (scroll down and read the note about “CamScanner”).

· The third section will be done using the Life Stressor Checklist – Revised (LSC-R) found in the Trauma Case Study: Child Resources section. Read the instructions for use/scoring, then scroll to the bottom and download the LSC-R with scoring information (PDF), and circle the answers based on the information you collected from the narrative. You will not be uploading a copy of this, but will write a good paragraph summarizing your scoring (make sure to include the question numbers in writing your summary!), interview answers, and total. When you write this paragraph, use the client’s own answers to justify your scoring! You do not have to write about “No” answers.

· Your fourth section will use the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 Child/Adolescent Version (CAPS-CA-5) found in the Trauma Case Study: Child Resources section. Since the CAPS-CA-5 is considered the “gold standard” for assessing clients with a possible PTSD diagnosis, download and print out and then fill it in (freehand) while reading over the client narrative. You will then scan or take a picture and include a copy of just the scored CAPS-5 Summary Table ( pages 21 & 22 only ) showing how you scored each item, total severity and symptoms, and your final conclusion on p. 20. You will then write a good paragraph summarizing your scoringinterview answers, and your totals for symptoms and severity. When you write this paragraph, use the client’s own answers to justify your scoring!

· From the data gathered in sections 2, 3, and 4, in Section 5 answer these questions using the DSM-5: what is the primary diagnosis (use the ICD-10 F-code number [without the parentheses], the name of the diagnosis, the severity, and any appropriate specifiers) for this client, putting your diagnosis in bold, and based on the criteria, show how you were able to come to that conclusion (include any information from the three assessments and client statements to support this diagnosis). Write a few sentences concerning any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues that may be present, as well as a few separate sentences regarding any potential suicide/self-harming risks for this particular diagnosis. Does the client have any possible secondary diagnoses (show the same way as the primary and in bold)? If so, which one(s), and what criteria do they meet? Are there any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues and suicide risks for this particular diagnosis?

· The final section is writing about recommendations and referrals as well as other resources you would want to put in place for this client (minimum of three, each separated as shown below. Provide your reasoning with each one, as well as cited resources for each one. Note that this section is NOT meant to be a complete treatment plan, but to assist the client towards getting into treatment!


To assist the professor in making sure that all sections/parts are submitted, divide your paper up as shown below using level 1 and level 2 headings (starting on p. 2 – no abstract is needed):


Title of Paper


Brief Summary


Brief Trauma Questionnaire Interpretation

(write a good paragraph here summarizing your answer choices)


Life Stressor Checklist – Revised Interpretation

(write several good paragraphs here summarizing your answer choices)


Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children/Adolescents Interpretation

(write a good section here summarizing your answer choices)


Primary and Secondary Diagnostic Impressions

Primary Diagnosis with Culture/Gender Issues, Suicidal Risks

Secondary Diagnosis with Culture/Gender Issues, Suicidal Risks (continue if you find more)


Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3




Note that your upload will consist of three documents: your paper (saved last name, first name, CaseStudy3), a picture or PDF copy of p. 4 of the BTQ, and a picture or PDF copy of pp. 19 & 20 of the CAPS-CA-5.


CamScanner is an “app” that allows any picture you take of a document be “turned” into a PDF.  Please find the web link in the Trauma Case Study: Child Resources section. It is easy to do, and you can email the new PDF to yourself, and then upload into Blackboard.


To see a listing of all the assessments the Veterans Administration has for free download and use, visit the Trauma Case Study: Child Resources section.

Attributes of quantitative methodology

· Refer to the dissertation topic you have been developing in your previous research courses as well as any feedback from faculty and peers.

· If you have attended your first Residency, refer to the Prospectus PowerPoint from Residency and any feedback given by faculty or peers.

· This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

· Doctoral learners are required to use APA 7th style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

· Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral-level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.

· This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

· You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Write a paper (750-1,000 words) in which you discuss the attributes of quantitative methodology that could be used to study your potential dissertation topic. Include the following in your paper:

1. A statement of your potential dissertation topic.

2. A discussion of the attributes of quantitative methodology that could be used to study your potential dissertation topic.

3. A rationale for approaching your potential dissertation topic as a quantitative study. You must support your rationale with examples including at least two quantitative studies from the extant literature that justify pursuing the topic using a quantitative methodology.

Detailed description of fictions crime

For this task, you will submit a detailed description of a fictions crime and focus on the crime scene. Be sure to conduct research to understand crime scenes. For example, if you are planning to profile a serial killer, be sure you have researched crime scenes from serial killers to ensure you are including plausible information.

The information you describe in this assignment may also be used in your final presentation to the FBI (due in Week 8), when you present your profile. You will want to consider that your final project will build upon the information you are describing in your crime scene analysis assignment this week. You must be able to make conclusions that are realistic. Include in your description the following information:

Crime scene details (e.g. bloodstain pattern, finger prints, weapons)

Geographical location(s)

Evidence collected


Corroborating evidence

Modus Operandi

Victim information-remember you are profiling a serial rapist/murder/arsonist so there have been other victims.

Typically, serial killers have three or more victims, serial rapists typically have two or more victims and serial arsonists have set fire to three or more dwellings. If there is no evidence or suspicion of prior victims, then it is less likely to appear to be serial in nature. For this week, focus on just one of the victims, but as you develop your theory you will want to connect information from the other crimes scenes. (You do not need to offer details about the previous or other victims yet, but it is important to demonstrate that you are able to connect the victims, such as similarities in appearance, employment or location.) Include all other pertinent details about the crime scene.



Fundamental principle of morals

1. What objection to utilitarian ethics does Mill mean to answer in this chapter?  What does Mill think motivates this objection?

2. What does Mill conclude that we ordinarily mean by justice, and what is its relationship to what he calls morality?

3. According to Mill, what must be the origin of the sentiment of justice, and when is it, properly speaking, a moral sentiment?

4. What is Mill’s criticism of Immanuel Kant’s fundamental principle of morals?

5. According to Mill, what do we mean when we say that someone has a right?  Why do we attribute rights to people, and what morally justifies the protection of rights?

6. Why, according to Mill, can’t any principle of justice serve as final arbiter of moral disputes?  What argument does he offer in support of this claim?

7. If general utility is all that ultimately matters to Mill, then why does he believe that the prescriptions of justice outweigh the prescriptions of policy (i.e., prudence or efficiency in the management of affairs)?

8. What does Mill say is “the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice,” and what more basic principle is it founded on?

9. How does Mill respond to the objection that the principle of utility presupposes a more basic principle of justice (viz., the equal rights of persons)?

10. What does Mill say is the proper relationship between the equal rights of persons and general (social) utility?

Non-human Animal Rights

Guidelines: For each of the Topics 1-5 listed in the syllabus there will be a Reflection with a Reply. The Reflection addresses several questions. The Reply is your response to another student.

To complete a reflection post your answers as a “new thread” in the forum.  Please do not post links or attachments–it is better to cut and paste so that others can readily access the material.  After posting you will be able to read the posts of others. Submit your reflection two days before the discussion closes. If the discussion thread locks on the 10th you need to submit the Reflection by the 8th and the Reply by the 10th.  

Scoring:  4 points total: 3 for the reflection and 1 for a reply. Grading focuses on the following:

1) length: at least a single-spaced half page (restating the questions does not count) for the reflection itself, not the reply. 

2) content: original contribution that demonstrates knowledge of course readings–not a copy and paste from the Internet

3) justification: what you think but also why you think it, using evidence or reasons especially for the Argue section. 

4) reply: respond to at least one classmate with at least five sentences that focus on course material or argumentation. Points will not be given for replies that simply offer affirmations such as “I agree” or “I disagree.” See below for an explanation.

Due Date Againsubmit the Reflection at least two days before the discussion locks so that others have time to reply. Once the discussion locks, no additional comments can be submitted. If a topic locks at 11:59pm on the 10th, post the Reflection no later than the 8th at 11:59pm; submit the reply before the thread closes on the 10th.

How to do a Reflection:  This activity works on the philosophical skills of articulation and argument.

Articulation strives to understand and to present clearly and precisely the concepts or ideas from the topic material.

Argumentation relies on articulation, but goes further. It does more that state a view, and certainly does more than simply pick a side or offer an opinion. The skill of argumentation for establishing and defending a philosophical position is not unlike a construction project that requires building materials, assembly, and an architectural plan. The building blocks are the course concepts and your own thinking; assembly requires the cement of evidence and the design of reason in order to become a well constructed whole.  Simply stating what we “think” or “believe” is not enough–no more than throwing down a pile of wood in front of a tree is sufficient for making a treehouse.

There are no participation trophies in philosophy. Some ideas are better than others; some arguments are better than others. A philosophical position requires justification, not unlike a construction project requires design and assembly. Consider the argue section as a place to practice using the tools of philosophy for building moral foundations and frameworks, as Boss suggests in her introduction. If we don’t build a moral framework then even our strongest opinions are probably no better than simply following the crowd or believing whatever we are told.

Arguewhat I think and  why  I think it. Here’s an example of the what  without  the why.  There is no justification, just an opinion:

“I totally agree with animal rights supporters. We should never do scientific experiments on rats. This is just terrible! These little creatures should not be used for medical research under any circumstance.”

Justification offers evidence and/or reasons that another person can understand and consider plausible. For example, here’s a better position with the what and  the why :

I totally agree with animal rights supporters [agreement doesn’t justify]. We should never do scientific experiments on rats. This is just terrible![feelings don’t justify] These little creatures should not be used for medical research under any circumstance  because  rats are animals that experience pleasure and pain. Rats are sentient, just like humans. Therefore rats have the same rights and protections as do humans. If we can’t experiment on children then we cannot experiment on rats.”

The second statement offers justification. Whether we are convinced by the justification is a matter for the next stage of the philosophical process. Nevertheless, the second statement offers  the why–the argument and justification– for doing philosophy.

After you post your reflection as a new thread you will be able to read and respond to classmates.

How to do a Reply: Focus on whether your classmate articulates and/or argues well. Avoid the the ceremonious but unnecessary “I agree” or “I disagree.” Agreement does no philosophical work. Millions of people can agree that the earth is flat, but that doesn’t make it the case. For example, rather than beginning with “I agree” start with something such as “The point about X and the example of Y are very persuasive. I had not considered these” or “Ellin seems to be saying that objectivism is not necessarily absolutism. There can be exceptions built into universal principles.” Again, philosophy goes beyond the sharing of an opinion.

Everyone has an opinion; few have an argument; fewer have a good argument. 

Reflection 4: Non-human Animal Rights

Divide your response into two sections: 


a) What is Tom Regan’s position on animals rights, based especially on his  Video ?

b) What is Cohen’s position on non-human animal rights? Cohen claims that Regan commits what fallacy and why?


a) Watch this provocative video from  PETA . Evaluate whether PETA makes an effective argument?

b) Argue for your position on non-human animal rights. Do you favor the arguments of PETA, Regan, or Cohen?

c) Do you have any pets? If so, feel free to name them and post picture(s)–we do this in class and have a lot of fun. Argue whether pets have direct or indirect moral standing.

My dog, Patriot (below), argues via special “dog logic” that he has direct standing, though I’m not so sure. Apparently Patriot believes that he is a human; apparently our ethical debate has come down to a metaphysical issue. Of course he assures us that dog food is for “dogs” and since he is a human that he should have human food, sleep on the bed, etc.